Electronic experimental music
A wide range of experiences, collaborators, compositions and concerts has determined the Poupées Électriques’ pathway… Formed in 2004 by Carlos A. and Paco F. (later known as MicroPlex) under an experimental concept of the latest musical technologies conjunction by the recovery of the most ancient devices of the 20th century music (intonarumori, theremin).

Poupees electriques
Through their diverse works and shows they have developed a language of particular expression and in continuous evolution. Moving freely by the sound experimentation, the industrial music, the rhythmic compositions, the atonality… All along more than thirty performances and several incursions into cinema and diverse campaigns.
Now Poupées Électriques is starting a new phase, under a new concept, a new formation and new challenges…
what do we do
Takes us into an disturbing, electric and industrial world thanks to magnetic rhythms and deep atmospheres